The Girl with the Red Umbrella – Anne Marie Kofoed

A story by Anne-Marie Kofoed and read by Russell Norman

Evolving Draft – Suma Jayachandar

A story written and read by Suma Jayachandar

My Dear Doctor Mortem – Hannah P Simmons

A intriguing story written by Hannah P Simmons and read by Tyson D Hamilton.

Can You Keep A Secret – John Del Rio

John reads his haunting story.

Black Four Seater – Shea West

Shea West reads her humorous award winning story about a woman selling a car.

The Overtopping – Jay Mckenzie

Jay reads her moving story of family and floods.

Forest Fires (Sole Survivor) – Jonathan Blaauw

Russell reads a beautiful but haunting story by Jonathan Blaauw.

Roses Are Red – Robert Burns

Robert Burns reads his finalist entry in a recent Globe Soup 7-day Story Writing Challenge.

Only A Month – Jay McKenzie

Russell reads a sad but powerful story by Jay McKenzie about challenges within a family relationship

Where Light Has No Purchase – Glen Gabel

Glen reads his challenging story about complex family relationships.